ERA was retained by the Village of Glencoe for the past 23 years to modernize their village-wide Stormwater Management Plan originally completed in 1989. The Village is approximately 3.8 square miles. The updated plan identified recommended improvements to nine drainage basins throughout the village. The Village of Glencoe’s conveyance network is complicated due to large diversion culverts, complicated overland flow paths, street flooding, and basement flooding. As a result, ERA used XPSWMM and XPSWMM 2D to perform the updates. Our work included field hydraulic surveys, extensive hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, alternatives analysis, preliminary design, final design, cost estimating, report preparation, and construction oversight. The modernization work included the recommendation of creative cost-effective solutions that have significantly improved flooding problems and water quality within the village. Permitting requirements: IDOT, Village of Glencoe, Forest Preserve District of Cook County, IDNR, MWRD, Glencoe Park District, EPA, Army Corps, and private owners. Funding sources: Village of Glencoe and Cook County (allocated through State of Illinois Senate Bill).