ERA developed a Stormwater Master Plan for the Village of Buffalo Grove. The project included developing an existing conditions report utilizing topographic maps, utility atlases, field visits, and Village staff feedback to identify flood prone locations throughout the community. In order to provide an effective Villagewide plan, ERA’s report analyzed Cook and Lake Counties with different methodologies. The design team developed stormwater models of the existing flood prone areas in Cook County using XPSWMM with 2D capabilities. Based on the results of those 2D models, ERA developed proposed solutions and prepared cost estimates for each improvement. In the Lake County analysis, ERA used GIS maps, historical flooding reports and storm stewer data to identify and assess existing flood prone areas that required additional analysis. ERA prioritized the flood prone areas by severity and frequency of potential flooding and the number of properties impacted. The report includes estimated costs to complete Phase 1 and Phase 2 designs to reduce the depth and frequency of flooding in Lake County. The Stormwater Master Plan includes a 20-year Capital Improvement Plan that prioritizes the projects in both Cook and Lake Counties and summarizes the Villages annual operating costs. This tool will be used by the Village Staff and Board for future planning.