ERA provided Phase I and II engineering for converting an existing farmed site to a new 33-acre park for Naperville Park District using the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). ERA worked in conjunction with Upland Design and Charles Vincent George Architects. Project elements included a parking lot, restroom facility, storage building, baseball and multipurpose fields, basketball, pickleball, and tennis courts, a playground, an exercise area, several rain gardens, and a sled hill. Project tasks included topographic survey, wetland delineation, site analysis and conceptual plan preparation, public hearing, stakeholder coordination, and design development for construction documents. The public hearing was to engage the residents to gather ideas for the types of amenities to include in the plan for the park. A tremendous response was received with more than 2,000 residents providing input into the eventual park design. Phase II engineering included construction documents and a subsequent public hearing for input on the final amenities. ERA obtained permits from the Illinois EPA (sanitary service, water main extension, and ILR10 permits), the City of Naperville, the Will County Health Department, IDNR, and the USACE. The park was voted the Best Park District Facility in DuPage County in 2021.