ERA has successfully completed Phase I and II Engineering for the 0.8-mile extension of the Great Western Trail from the Sycamore Forest Preserve to downtown Sycamore using federal funds. The project features a 200-foot steel truss pedestrian bridge over the Kishwaukee River, two timber bridges over local drainage ditches, and 130 feet of timber boardwalk to avoid critical wetlands. Phase I engineering included a Project Development Report (PDR), topographic and hydraulic surveys, hydraulic modeling, public involvement, stakeholder coordination, and environmental studies. Unique aspects of this project included project collaboration between City, State, and Forest Preserve. Phase II engineering included contract documents consisting of plans, specifications, construction cost, permitting, Plat of Highways (POH) and land acquisition services. Permits included the City of Sycamore, DeKalb County USACOE, IDNR-OWR and a NPDES Permit for construction activities. All phases of the project followed the federal process.
This project was awarded the National APWA Project of the Year award in 2022. |