ERA provided Phase I and II environmental services for the replacement of the West Solon Road over N. Branch of Nippersink (SN 056-3142) using federal funds. The Solon Road crossing is adjacent to the Glacial Park State Natural Area and has several protected species including Blanding’s turtles and two freshwater mussel species. The project includes a Section 408 USACE project and coordination with McHenry County Conservation District (MCCD). Phase I environmental services consisted of a Wetland Delineation, Environmental Survey Request (ESR), Section 4(f) De Minimis Report, and USACE coordination. Phase II environmental services consisted of preparation of a Conservation Plan for an Incidental Take Authorization (ITA) for state-listed mussels within the North Branch Nippersink Creek and a design compensation plan for onsite wetland mitigation for the 408 permitting.