The West Branch DuPage River tributary area to this area is approximately 12.7 square miles. Erosion is apparent along the bank of the river adjacent to the riverwalk path. The project length is approximately 1,850 linear feet. ERA completed topographic survey, wetland delineation, floristic quality assessment, tree inventory, H&H modeling, plans, specifications, cost estimate and permitting. Permits required include: USACE, IDNR-OWR, DuPage County Stormwater, Kane-DuPage SWCD. Care was taken to provide rock toe only where necessary avoiding costly and lengthy Individual 401 IEPA water quality permit associated with exceeding 1,000 linear feet. Stabilization measures used to improve river banks included installation of sections of vegetated rock toe using a combination of structural stone to armor the shoreline, while incorporating native beneficial vegetation further working to stabilize the shoreline and improve habitat value for wildlife. Rock vanes were added to direct water away from shorelines and creating habitat for invertebrates, amphibians, and fish to hide, reproduce, and nest. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds were secured for the construction.